Proper Mental Health Care Decreased During the Pandemic

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A quarter of employees all over the nation haven’t had a therapy session since the start of COVID-19, according to an article. This is leading to calls from experts for employers to “catch up” to the mental health crisis.’”

In a poll issued by Mental Health Fist Aid England (MHFA), out of 2,000 workers, 25 percent said their work place had not checked in on their mental health since the pandemic hit more than a year ago. Only 32 percent of employees said mental health and wellbeing support improved throughout the pandemic, whereas 43 percent said theirs stayed the same or worsened.

MHFA England has called for increased support and check-ins from employers to their employees. Tom Oxley, workplace mental health strategist and chief trainer at Bamboo Mental Health, said the lack of communication in the workplace was “criminal – almost literally.”

“The Health and Safety Executive says you need to consult and assess risk, wherever your employees work,” he said. “With zero wellbeing communication, I would be concerned about the safety strategy and cultural practices of an organization or a manager that would cast employees adrift.”

A survey found just nine percent of businesses were actively measuring their return on investment from their wellbeing programs, despite it being a crucial way to assess and tailor them to their employees’ needs.

While there was no shortage of investment in health and benefits, or support of specific issues in general, employers often lacked a necessary focus when it came to their employees’ well-being.

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